Virtual Personal Trainer

ONLINE training with daily check-ins

Online Training with Daily Check-Ins includes:
• Customized Personal Training Sessions via Zoom
• Meal Plans (subject to change)
• Daily Accountability via Food Log
• Nutritional Education
• Cardiovascular Goals (Heart Rate & Calorie Burn)
• 24/7 Support via Text
• Weekly Weigh-Ins, Monthly Measurements, and Progress Pictures

Zoom Schedule (Pacific Standard Time)

Mon, Wed & Fri - 840am-10am

Thurs 740am - 9am

Mon & Wed 615pm - 730pm

Thur 5pm - 6pm

Top Nutritionist And Virtual Female Personal Trainer

Numerous advantages come with working with a personal trainer. A trainer can help you get in terrific shape without having to second-guess your workout decisions. Trainers may save you time and potential discomfort from performing exercises incorrectly and harming yourself in addition to being helpful fitness consultants.
It just seems right when you find a terrific trainer. Finding an online personal trainer & nutritionist you click with is quite similar to dating. Except that rather than finding a romantic companion, the ultimate objective is to do so. You can start your search for a personal trainer online or offline, just like when you go on a date.

Why should you go to our trainers?
You might wonder what makes working out with a personal trainer so different from working out on your own or in a gym if you've never done it before. But it does make a huge difference to have a professional by your side (or even on-screen) for several reasons.
Our trainer teaches you the perfect technique is one of the keys to preventing injuries and learning how to perform workouts correctly. The most straightforward method for doing this is to observe someone performing an activity properly in person and attempt to emulate that. Additionally helpful is having someone who can physically correct you, mainly if you are new to exercise or a particular workout.

Why are we the best?
It would help if you met with a few personal trainers before you find the one you adore because choosing the ideal one is a process. Find a personal trainer you can stick with by considering the following factors.

● Credentials
It would help if you always started by confirming that the credentials your trainer mentions are valid. You may do this by personally contacting them or by doing some research based on what is said on their website or social media profile.

● Personality
You want to find a virtual personal trainer and nutritionist whose training style matches your requirements because they will play a significant role in your life.

Contact Us Today!
Personal trainers must have a solid understanding of human anatomy and safe exercise methods. Some recruiting managers may bring up a specific injury or particular demography for you to develop a training plan. Jenn Aguirre provides each of these services.